Naturopathic Cancer Treatment Provider for over 25 years



Teresa Werner, patient at Portland Clinic of Holistic Health,  cancer survivor, and now author, has released her new book, CellToons:  The Story of Cancer at a Cellular Level.  Teresa is now in remission from lymph node positive stage IV breast cancer, which had metastasized to her bones.  Teresa had not received any treatment prior to coming to our clinic. After seeing us, Dr. Blake sent Teresa to an oncologist for integrative care. No chemotherapy or radiation was administered by the oncologist, but Teresa received bone protection and estrogen depletion strategies congruent with our clinical approach, while the majority of her care continued to be with us.

Check out our blog article on Naturopathic Cancer Care.

Author Teresa Werner (left) and Dr. Eric Blake (right) in one of our clinic's treatment rooms

CellToons is a visual interpretation of her journey.  For more information about CellToons, check out Teresa’s website

You can get your copy of CellToons in the clinic at your next appointment, or from the website,

“CellToons visually depicts the journey of cancer from diagnosis to survival and is absolutely brilliant.  It takes a special person to encourage and bless others with one of life’s greatest struggles.  Teresa’s love and creativity are vividly displayed in this encouraging illustrated collection of cartoons.  She is trailblazing a path of hope for others to follow.  A gift of hope is precious indeed!  What a brilliant way to defeat the shadows of despair!  Simple, to the point, direct, honest, and most importantly–encouraging.  Truly, a blessing for so many others.”

-Nathan Angelo, founder of TruEssential skin care products

“From the moment CellToons came into my awareness, it has affected my personal journey on many levels.  The images assist my conscious healing and evolution.  Visualization is one of our greatest devices for manifestation and it gives us remarkable frame of reference to return to when we are out of balance.  CellToons reminds us how easy it is to change our thinking when faced with a serious health problem.  I highly recommend CellToons–it is a mega-powerhouse of inspiration and wisdom!”

-Annie Botticelli aka A Spiritual Spark, Radical Self-Development Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Teacher/Founder of Shine YourBrilliance University, YouTube Personality, Astrologer, Author, Owner/Founder/Alchemist at Consciousness Blossoms

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