Naturopathic Cancer Treatment Provider for over 25 years

Changing of the Season

Health Programs

The change of seasons is here – the cool and wet fall has boldly asserted itself. With these changes in the environment, our bodies will also change how they relate to the weather around us.

The skin is our largest organ – in the cold, our pores close and the blood vessels of the skin constrict to keep the heat of our blood warming our insides. As the cold air closes the pores of our skin, the tremendous work that the skin performs must be assumed by other organs. This work includes: elimination of wastes out of the sweat glands and oil ducts (sebaceous glands), temperature regulation, even transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The work that the skin WAS performing must now be assumed by other organs putting extra stress on them.

Right now, at the beginning of the transition, the most important organs effected are the kidneys and the respiratory passages – particularly the nasal passages. The kidneys and lungs must pick up the tasks of regulating fluids and releasing toxins. This is something that skin normally does on a daily basis and mostly goes unnoticed. Because of the extra stress on these organs we are seeing an increase of urinary tract and kidney infections, even drops in kidney function on blood tests, and we are of course seeing the sinus and respiratory infections that announce the seasonal change in those susceptible. For some, the symptoms are more mild – such as increased achiness of the joints, muscles, and low back as the waste products of normal muscular activity are not adequately eliminated.



Now is the time to start cold and flu prevention. The first step is to exercise the blood vessels in the skin. Remember, the skin is your largest organ, and it is critically important for more than just looking good.

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