Naturopathic Cancer Treatment Provider for over 25 years

Fall into a Healthy Routine

Now that we are back into the full swing of things this fall, are you noticing daily that your children are having trouble focusing, fidgeting, or are inattentive? Has their teacher also expressed concern? Here are some things that can be done to make sure that your children are prepared to have a successful day.


Thirty minutes of morning aerobic activities before school, even jump-roping or running around, can help children be more attentive and less moody throughout the school day. Studies have shown an improvement of these behaviors in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; however short bursts of physical activity are essential to help all children focus and prepare for the day.

Exercise Helps Children with ADHD


What we put into our bodies has a profound effect on how we function. While diet changes may not be the complete solution for all children, it should always be the first place we start. Both doctors and teachers have seen a significant reduction of ADHD symptoms in children when diet changes were made. It is vitally important that young growing minds and bodies get sufficient energy and nutrition throughout the day.

Here are some simple tips to remember when serving your children breakfast or packing their lunches.

Snack Idea! – Have your children try almond butter with apple slices or banana.



Do you know if your child have any food intolerances? Food intolerances create toxic byproducts because the food is not digested and can cause many health problems. Help your child feel their best by helping them avoid their food intolerances so they can function optimally while at school and after. If you or anyone you know is worried that their family may have unknown food intolerances, testing is offered here in our office.


A good night’s rest is also important to making sure your child is alert and active at school. Establish a bedtime routine starting after dinner by helping your children avoid snacking on sweets and the use of stimulating electronics before bed. Include calming activities such as reading books, bath time or listening to calming music. Make sure this routines takes place at about the same time every night for consistency, and aim for 8 hours of sleep for the older kids, and up to 10-11 hours a night for younger children.

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